Mallo is a Canadian, succubus, and a professional NEET living in Japan who is ALWAYS tired. She usually streams from 11am JST to accomodate her English speaking fans since Mallo streams in English. But due to living in Japan, and having many Phillipino fans in chat Mallo aims to learn Japanese and Tagalog on stream in study sessions! Rather than being thirsted over, she would rather be everyones little sister and friend! Although Mallo tries to have a mostly all ages family friendly stream, some jokes and chat topics may be a tad spicy or depressing or just plain complainy, still, Mallo does not sware or say icky words. She is okay with spicy art though!! Shes just saying... Mallo has been told to have a soft and relaxing voice, with many of chat claiming to often fall asleep during lives. Mallo also has a fairly short temper especially when it comes to games, and can get pretty loud. Mallo is self made and prides herself on doing almost everything by herself in life, with some help from her amazing mods and friends. She always pushes herself, puts in 110% effort into what she does, and loves learning new things! Her ultimate dream is to someday open her own cafe in Japan.
Mallo is completely a variety streamer playing all kinds of games, drawing, model kit building, nail art streams, reading stories, and of course just chatting. Soon to start studying language, and reading stories, with a goal to produce ASMR, song covers, and snack review streams with monthly raffles!
Lets not go into the details, but BASICALLY: After finding her soulmate, the human not affected by her charms, Mallo had her heart BROKEN utterly crushed, MAY have gone into a bit of a rage, and MAY have masacred a few villages in her wake sucking enough life energy from those filthy humans to satiate for years. In her tantrum, she went back to the demon realm and cried herself to sleep(nothing new there), sleeping for about...a couple hundred years..maybe more? Nobody woke her up! ..How old is she really anyways? Were guessing about 550 or so years old, maybe.
After waking up one day, Mallo not yet giving up continued her search through Canada, and has now traveled to the other side of the world on the hunt to find the reincarnation of her soul mate, the human who isnt affected by her succubus charms. Mallo doesnt remember much from her life before emerging in Canada.
After a long search, being tired of people, no longer wanting to go outside much, and falling in love with Japan and anime, maybe just living here and having a life is enough. Shes realized that by streaming she can absorb a small amount of life energy from each viewer through the attention they give her. Shes decided to stream while not using her succubus charm, wanting people to like her for HER!