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Lula Kitsune

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Every 19.34 Day(s)
  • Subs 461
  • Views 7.5k



Lula Kitsune is a nine tailed kitsune that streams on twitch and streams in English. Primarily streams visual Novels, FPS, Horror & Multiplayer Games.

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Lula kitsune is a kitsune from another dimension. She traveled to this dimension after the moon of her home dimension was destroyed by unknown causes. She traveled to this dimension to prevent the destruction of this worlds moon. Upon arrival in this dimension she was extremely weak and was in danger of dying. Lula was only saved when Ceyda found her and took Lula back to the giraffe tower to recover. Upon recovery Lula discovered that the events which occurred to cause the destruction of the moon in her home dimension had already been averted. Lula in thanks to Ceyda for saving her life pledged to serve Ceyda until she was no longer needed. Lula cemented this pact by accepting and wearing a cursed collar given to her by Ceyda that Linked them together on a subconscious level.

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