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Lokith Nevermore

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Every 5.39 Day(s)
  • Subs 434
  • Views 3.5k



Lokith Nevermore the Keeper of Fate! A wonderful and kind Christian VTuber who welcomes everyone to join in and have fun. Loki loves to chat with his audience and often ends up asking for advice... usually because he forgets what he was doing 5 seconds after stating his plans... Goldfish Memory!!!

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Nevermore shall you find yourself lost. Nevermore shall you fear for the future. Nevermore shall you question your fate. For now I reveal myself to you. Take my hand and together we will walk the path fate has set for you, toward the Paradise at the End of the World. I promise you to walk alongside you. So, will you walk beside me?   I am glad to meet you, I am Lokith Nevermore. The Keeper of Fate, your guardian Angel. I was born when the world ended, sent back to the beginning to guide you all to the Paradise at the End of the World. I was given this mission by my Master, so I hope you will join me in walking down the path fate set before you.

I have accepted the task bestowed upon me and I shall act as your true Guardian Angel. Fate is one of many twists and turns, ups and downs. In the end it is through hope that people pull through. In faith will people find their happiness. After all my Master loves all and cares for all. So here I am standing before you with my hand outstreched, I care not your race or religion, your gender or your sexuality. All are accepted by my Master and all are accepted by me. Though we all have sin, knowing that and trying to be better is want my Master wants, he wants us all to find true happiness and know eternal love. So come and join me and together we can find the Paradise promised to you.

In this world of sadness, everything will happen for a reason. That reason won't make itself known to you at the time, you may never know the reason you suffer. The world may forsake you but there are those who watch over you in your life. You cannot see them and you cannot hear them, but they are watching. They want you to take their hand and let them guide you through the pain of this world so that you can find your salvation and happiness. Have faith young ones, this world will forsake you but I will help you find your salvation in Him. So stand strong young ones, this world of pain is just the tumultuous beginning of an eternal paradise. I am one of the Guardians in this world, taken human form to better help you. I am Lokith Nevemore, Keeper of Fate, your Guardian Angel, and I am here to guide you to your salvation.

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