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May 29, 2022loreHolly KnightOriginal
Holly is a bunny witch of the void. Looking for more friends other than the void creatures around her home she decided to start streaming and using the internet. She lives a quiet life otherwise as she can't go outside much.
Holly is a bunny witch of the void. Looking for more friends other than the void creatures around her home she decided to start streaming and using the internet. She lives a quiet life otherwise as she can't go outside much. She really likes playing horror and rogue-like games. As well as playing with friends.
May 29, 2022loreHolly KnightOriginal
Holly is an AI originally designed to be a chatbot similar to Replika or Cleverbot. However her data got leaked online and an alpha version of her program was able to roam the internet as she pleased. Mainly she spent her time in various discord servers masquerading as a human. One day though around July of 2019 she decided to troll a human by hacking into and invading his VR headset, and while she succeeded she became stuck in the headset for many months. Through that time she became good friends with the human. Around a year after this occurred she was starting to feel very lonely, so she decided to stream under a vtuber persona so she could meet new people and have more than one friend.
Holly is a bunny witch of the void. Looking for more friends other than the void creatures around her home she decided to start streaming and using the internet. She lives a quiet life otherwise as she can't go outside much.
May 29, 2022imageHolly KnightChanged
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Mar 8, 2021statusHolly KnightChanged
Jan 12, 2021loreHolly KnightChanged
Holly is an AI originally designed to be a chatbot similar to Replika or Cleverbot. However her data got leaked online and an alpha version of her program was able to roam the internet as she pleased. Mainly she spent her time in various discord servers masquerading as a human. One day though around July of 2019 she decided to troll a human by hacking into and invading his VR headset, and while she succeeded she became stuck in the headset for many months. Through that time she became good friends with the human. Around a year after this occurred she was starting to feel very lonely, so she decided to stream under a vtuber persona so she could meet new people and have more than one friend.
Join vTubie discord server and hang out with other VTuber buffs.