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  • Subs 349
  • Views 15.9k



Lex is a male VTuber and VStreamer who creates content on Twitch. He focuses mostly on variety content and creating a comfortable environment for everyone to relax and watch someone play some video games.

Lore Edit

Lex awoke one day, with no recollection of himself or the world around him. He was on a floating island with a jungle topography. Peering over the island's edge revealed a cacophony of colors and static, rapidly moving about in every direction. He was stranded and not only didn't know where he was, but why he was there.

Unbeknownst to him, his mere existence was acting as the embodiment and supply of nature for all those living in the on the planet, Earth. While his presence was unknown, there was a small group of people who would pray and worship to a "God of Nature" and developed a sort of cult. Though the cult was small, it would only ever grow with time as many would begin to preach the hospitality and warmth of nature. Conveniently, this would act as a source of energy for Lex and would allow him to continue his solitude existence.

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