SmallMightVT is roleplay type vtuber/vstreamer who plays the character of a reincarnation of the moon rabbit, they use the pronouns they/it. SmallMightVT exclaims their love for the devil may cry series and many Nintendo and pc video game series, like Metroid, xenoblade and other series, they play smash bros competitively. their native tongue is English but they are currently working on Spanish
Small Might is the androgynous rabbit with black spotted ears, some dubbed cookies and cream, and while they used to be ashamed of their black spots, they now know they are famous moon rabbits the reincarnation, armed with this knowledge and their memories of their days living on the moon, Small Might hopes to return to the moon one day. until then they spend their time in a community they found called BunBun meadows. rallying the support of their followers hoping to get their once legendary status back and when the time comes hoping to return back home to the moon