Date | Video | |
Dec 24 | taco bell then christmas shopping at the mall! | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | $flosstumttv | |
Dec 22 | EP. 1: come relax and immerse yourself in the game!| !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 21 | LETS GET AFTER-WORK SUSHI | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 19 | TESTING NEW IRL SETUP 🡲 possible new NIKKE card unboxing if it works | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 15 | boring pre-birthday stream 🡲 feeling blegh 🡲 sorry for low energy | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 11 | GRWM XMAS RAPI COSPLAY 🡲 GINGERBREAD HOUSE MAKING 🡲 birthday soon!🎁 | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 9 | | |
Dec 8 | ⭐IRL DRESS 2 IMPRESS 🡲 birthday soon!🎁 🡲 australia trip goal! | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Dec 7 | | |
Dec 4 | 🦘 AUSTRALIA TRIP GOAL 🡲 playing new fortnite 🡲 subs get ornaments | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist (ITS MY BDAY SOON)🎁 | |
Dec 1 | 🖤 catching up 🡲 playing class of 09 🡲 subs get ornaments | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist (ITS MY BDAY SOON)🎁 | |
Nov 20 | | |
Nov 20 | | |
Nov 15 | 【ULTROS】 7.1 PATCH RAIDS! (subs get ornaments) | !socials | !song | !bitsmenu | !wishlist | |
Nov 14 | 【ULTROS】 7.1 PATCH STORY! (subs get ornaments) | !socials | !song | !wishlist | |