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Every 51.24 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.2k
  • Views 2.4k



Dtr is an independent Vtuber/Youtuber and animator who loves Goldishes ( especially Ranchus) a little too much! Dtr aims to take a subject and turn it on its head for the sake of entertainment, taking a different spin on it and making goofy remarks along the way to make the audience laugh or rage. The avatar Dtr uses is a cartoonish version of a Ranchu Dtr called; "DeeDee" Dtr has been seen using this avatar on YouTube only and has not debuted this on other platforms. The Live2d avatar Dtr will use on Twitch is supposedly still in production after not having streamed in a year quoting:

"I fell out of love with streaming a while back after not getting the response and audience I was aiming for. YouTube right now feels more controlled and safe to me, and the response I got over there so far aligns with my goals as a content creator, I'll probably stream again after my model is finished as that probably would be a good incentive for me, but for now my goals are solely youtube related."

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Dtr is a fish that scoots around on his scooter and loves to tag the streets with his name. "Everyone must and will know my name"

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