Deth is a voice impersonator, able to mimic the voices of The Joker (Mark Hamill and Heath Ledger), Kermit the Frog, Gollum, Pikachu, All Might, and many more. He plays a variety of games, sings, and does sleep streams! His model is a grim reaper. I stream on Kick
"Hello, I am a grim reaper. A collector of souls. Although I was once mortal, I couldn’t tell you who I once was, for I have been dead for a long, long time. I recall not my life. My name. Or even when my service began. I do, however, recall how I came to be known amongst the reapers.
The gods of old came into being by the beliefs of the mortals. Zeus, Hera, Odin, Freya, and so on, were all born and given shape by the thoughts of the people. But, when the belief in their reality ends, so too ends their lives. I have the rare strength of collecting the colossal souls of the gods. Hence why I go by the title, “The Deth of Gods.”
Amongst all the souls I have collected, a few stand out. I collected the soul of one J. Christ, and brought him straight to heaven’s doorstep, with the promise of coffee later. And the jerk has never kept up the end of his bargain. I’m still waiting, bro!!!
And then, there was the soul of a true beauty. She died too young, only nineteen years of mortal age, at the hands of extreme cruelty. For the first time in my life as a soul collector, my dark heart was pained in watching her tortured life reach its end. Upon the end of her life, I could not bring myself to simply collect her soul. Instead, I blessed her with my power. She, too, became a powerful reaper. The Devil’s Nail."