A spirited variety VStreamer/VTuber that has a distinctly odd model, often found marathon streaming multiple different games at a time of any genre and build quality.
Finds any method of socializing except streaming to be a drag and has a broken social battery, alright at speaking but antisocial to a high degree.
Obsessed with agility/speed builds and breaking games with the power of dump stats, never falling into the illusion that stat distribution is a viable tactic, which might give you a tell on his personality.
A definitely human, definitely not computer virus, that didn't stalk a human through their webcam until they adopted all of the said humans traits and preferences.
In no way would ever watch the human's gameplay and gain an interest in experiencing all kinds of games to scratch a constant itch in the back of their definitely not metal brain.
Picked up streaming after watching countless streamers and Youtubers over their lifespan, alongside when the human they watched began streaming unsuccessfully for around 3 years.
They needed a way to represent themself so they took to the only method possible at the time. With no money or way to earn it they copied the human's appearance, hoping one day to make enough money to use their own body to stream and to buy all the games they want.