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Australian-born Romani wraith vtuber. Specialises in horror narration and voice acting. Frequent guest on others' streams. Currently on hiatus.

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Former human, born in a small village near the Caspian Sea circa 1500BCE. Village in question was razed to the ground by a marauding band of raiders. All inhabitants were sold into slavery, with our subject being sold to a local Kurgan lord to be a storyteller and tutor for the lord's son. In an act of vengeance, the storyteller drove the pampered young lordling mad with fear by whispering terrifying stories into his ear as he slept. The crazed lordling snapped and slaughtered his way through the lord's staff and retinue before he was finally stopped by a hail of arrows. With his dying breaths, the lordling proclaimed the storyteller to be "the only storyteller who knows the truth behind the world".

As punishment, the distraught lord ordered the storyteller to be walled up alive. The days passed into weeks, and the storyteller simply repeated the stories he knew, over and over again. As his cracked, whispering voice ceased and his crumbling body finally died, the stories came to life, giving the storyteller a new body to replace the decrepit wreckage that lay rapidly cooling in the corner.

The storyteller disappeared from the world of humans, becoming a hidden observer and chronicler of humanity's stories.

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