Vaeri "Ari" Ninomae is an enby axolotl-bunny hybrid vstreamer who makes content in English. They are a variety generally stream gaming content such as JRPGs or MMOs. More recently they have branched out into other genres. Bunny puns are a thing. becomes a cat during the summer. Please nerf.
An axolotl-bunny hybrid of mystery from the "near future." An inconspicuous clocktower café filled with vr headsets and pc's. Vaeri or Ari is a friendly face. Tired of their worlds' negativity in the further future, Ari travelled to the nearer future with their sick sister. Now stuck in a certain time period, the bun must go into hiding from the time police, all while having to care for their only family. Masquerading as a café owner in a once abandoned clock tower, Ari opened a place for people to safely visit other dimensions. Hiding in a clocktower that uses a coffee maker powered by plutonium for interdimensional travel, Ari aims to use their café the Haven Network to spread the positivity in hopes of finding the good ending.