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Ananki is a female Virtual Streamer who makes content in English and German. She is also an artist and rigger and did everything herself; model, overlay, emotes.

Lore Edit

Ananki was an angel named Dantania who lived with her little brother (and archangle trainee) Remial. After hearing the souls complain over being unhappy besides what life they lived, she deceided to help them and grew a plant that contained over 400 chemical entities and can stimulate the human brain and would be easily accessible for everyone. After some time, the wealthy started to sell this magically plant and made it unavailable for the poor which made the negative aspects of Dantanias creation come to show. They were addicted and would do anything to get more of their surce of happiness.... so a war broke out. The angels weren't too happy about it and Michael deceided to eliminate her but her brother demanded to send her too hell and take care of every soul she doomed, so she would be forever reminded of what she had done. This broke Dantanias heart but what she didn't know was the this was the only way for her little brother to save her. She fell from the Celestial Realm way down to hell so fast that her wings burned through the fall, causing her to have scars where once her wings were. Hurt und frustrated from the betrayel of her brother, the one she loved the most, she manifested her demonic energy in form of a little scorpion named Lou, who is following her everywhere. Dantania changed her name to "Ananki" (after ανάγκες, greek for "needs") to distance herself from her past and to honour her demon powers of making everyone give in to what they currently most desire. People who are affected by her powers will do everything to achieve their goals, even if it costs their life. Simply preventing them from doing so, will cause either self-destruction or turn them into soulless slaves. That's why she's the scorpion demon of addiction. Ananki's plan is to slowly let humanity destroy itself (since they are the reason her brother betrayed her) and rather than hunting them down one-by-one, she became the worlds number 1 supplier for party drugs. A special mixture refined with a drop off of her own scorpion poison. . But lately she made friends with a few humans and other creatures... will that change her plan of poison humanity from within?

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