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Alice Luksa (Albyon_)

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Every 0.77 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 3
  • Subs 58k
  • Views 9.3m



Alice is an English virtual streamer on Twitch. Rather than use her name, she streams under the name "Albyon_." She primarily streams games like Valorant and Warframe. Her design is intended to look like a chess piece, despite her not being able to play chess. She is also very active on TikTok as well as Twitch.

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Alice was born in the mid-1800s. She was born into a wealthy family, and she lived a relatively normal life. When she was walking home one night, she was severely injured in a robbery. In order to hide the fact that they were vampires, her family pronounced her dead and buried her with savings so that she could start a new life once she woke up. After waking up in the modern world, Alice took to streaming in order to try and regain her previous status.

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