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Aika a half vampire half demon, whose contents are mostly into games. Also known as a sucker in game but the most capturing side of her is her energy, loudness and laugh! Most of her contents are in English, Japanese and Filipino.

Aika is a member of an unofficial group made with friends of Vtubers called ORION STAR TAVERN. She is known to play and casually strike conversation with her listeners and viewers.

Lore Edit

A half vampire half demon (AKUMA). Being around the world of chaos and stress learning how to play games became Aika's safe space. After meeting Rui and Wyn, owner and co-owners of a said tavern called "ORION STAR TAVERN". The felt a very strong connection... maybe because of their vampire blood running through them but surprisingly Rui is Aika's real cousin!

Aika was saved from the dark side of the world, being coped up in her room and trying to recover mentally from everything, Rui invited her to be part of the OST and able to find her some friends to play with.

Aika is still far from being healed and recovery but it seems that being with the OST members is one of the lights that shone to her and... maybe.. just maybe.. she's be able to laugh and see all the good things in the world.

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