Nimzy is from an alien race called the Nerulie that makes Magical Girls to fight evil aliens. Nimzy however has abused their powers and has been sentenced to Earth for rehabilitation.
On a far away planet near the center of the universe lies the planet that is the heart of all that is good and kind, Nerulia. Here live an ancient race of friendly and kind aliens called the Nerulie. A reliance on magic however has made them evolve to be small and frail making them almost entirely incapable of defending themselves. Instead the Nerulie will go to other planets and gift those they deem worthy some of their magic creating Magical Girls. These girls go on to protect their home world and by extension protects the Nerulie as just their existence in another world can attract monsters. These Nerulie are so kind hearted and polite that they nearly broke out into civil war because they couldn't get anyone to take the last slice of pizza.
Not all Neruliens are perfect, many are mischievous, tell lies, and are sometimes easily corrupted by the worlds they visit. There are no evil Neruliens though, or if there are they're very good at hiding. So in comes the Nerulien's greatest criminal Nimzy Nova. Nimzy isn't what Earthlings would call evil, at the most they're a bit of a butthead. They drink, they curse, choose the mean option in games sometimes, cut in line, and will forget to say "Please" and "Thank You" sometimes. That's not their entire criminal record, but just those 5 flaws breaks 57 laws. In total Nimzy has broken 1079 laws, and the Nerulien were at their wit's end. They didn't know how to handle Nimzy but after trying to take over Nerulie by convincing Magical Girls that the Nerulie were tyrants it was clear they had to do something.
There was a bit of a problem though, they were all too nice to give Nimzy a real punishment and global domination isn't illegal. They never even considered someone would want to. So after months of voting they finally came to an agreement, with 51/49 split they decided that Nimzy should have most of their magic stripped and then banished to a backwater and near magicless planet, Earth. But they didn't take away Nimzy's ability to regain magic through gaining followers. They hope that Nimzy would learn that being nice is the only way to get people to like you.
Nimzy however views this as a challenge.
Nimzy's Story
My name is Nimzy and I'm an intergalactic criminal, you probably couldn't tell from how cute I am but I am very much a problem. A problem that is now your problem. I was sentenced to Earth in the hopes that I would become good, but me, you, everyone on Earth are about to be really good friends. You're all going to help me get my power back and tenfold, then we'll make Earth a new Nerulia. Thankfully you all still have social media, we banned it on Nerulia but that means I can spread my message of love and friendship to everyone.
Join me and my right hand Magical Woman Blythe in our war against the tyrannical Nerulie and if you're extra good maybe you can become a member of the Nova Girls like Blythe.
Nova Girl Blythe
Blythe is an Earthling woman in her late 20s who is weary of Earth's rampant capitalism. She's tired of working all the time, sleeps a lot, drinks, smokes, and plays lots of video games. At times it may seems like she resents Nimzy but they freed her from the monotony of 9-5. She met Nimzy through a job ad for a position that had "Tons of benefits" and "No work experience necessary". She told she'd be saving the world, in reality she's a babysitter. But at least Neruliens keep her bills paid in exchange for watching Nimzy.
The first thing you'll notice about Blythe though is she appears to be an Alligator or Crocodile. This is an issue caused by her transformation sequence. Nimzy told her to imagine something she likes and her outfit will be themed like it. Blythe saw a funny alligator meme that day and it popped into her head. Nimzy being new to Earth was missing most of their magic messed up and accidentally made it so her transformation turns her into an alligator.
Notes: Nimzy is rigged and done but Blythe is in the works still and they won't be making anything until both are done.