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Plate Mamoru

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Every 0.4 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 612
  • Views 63.2k



Plate is a Paladin vtuber focusing on playing mainly horror games, music, and variety stream with their friends!

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Plate Mamoru, a young paladin of a farming town called Heighsen, a quiet and peaceful port town. From a young age Plate was drawn to the teachings of the church, captivated by its ideals of justice and righteousness. Excelling greatly in his training, and rising quickly in the rank of the church. However, as he spent more time in the service of the church, Plate began to question the methods in which his superiors used. The church, claiming to defeat evil, seemed more concerned with power and political hold than true justice, and Plate became disillusioned.

Unable to match his ideals with the church he had sworn to. In the dead of night Plate had left behind the church and his home town Heighsen to take matters into his own hands. Determined to fight the horrors of the world with unwavering bravery and an odd sense of humor. Armed with just a sword and shield the young hero sets out following the will of the Goddess to exorcise all forms of evil, and have fun along the way!

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