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Heidi Heiter

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Every 1.82 Day(s)
  • Subs 581
  • Views 1.5k



Heidi is a Red Fleckvieh cow with a rare calico pattern. She was born on June 25th. Her origins are currently unknown. She lives in a small, remote mountain village that requires a cable car to get to and from. She frequently talks about being close friends with the local villagers and helping them out in every day life. She has mentioned helping with tasks such as herding cattle, shearing sheep, churning butter. She's stated that she doesn't understand the other cows from the village very well as she presumably doesn't understand that they are normal cows unlike her.

Heidi stands very tall at 6'7" (205cm) without her horns and 6'9" (210cm) with them. She often relates her height by saying that she is as tall as a stack of 30 Big Macs. She is apparently also fairly strong as she has referenced being able to carry at least 3 goats at the same time up a mountain. According to comments and her schedule she spends most of her time off stream working with her fellow villagers.

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Heidi seems to have some sort of attraction to misfortune and disasters. In her introduction video and in her streams she has hinted at being present during certain historic disasters such as; being in some sort of air disaster (this may have been the Hindenburg) and traveling on a ship which sank (this may have been the Titanic). If this is accurate, Heidi would be at least a bit over 110 years old. She has occasionally talked about being around for silent films and remembers when colored films were first introduced. She has also referred to a time when cars were new and a rarity. Additionally she has talked about owning a typewriter. Despite this she has never directly mentioned her age or acknowledged it as being strange.

Heidi's favorite food is rare steak. Her favorite drink is banana milkshake. She has talked about traveling to many different places around the world.

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