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Yamizuki_Toki is a VTuber and singer who runs a open mic show every Saturday, she streams daily and loves to connect with her fans as much as possible. Toki also has done bike tricks on stream. Toki dreams of one day being able to perform in front of a real audience in person but until that day she will be performing in vr every Saturday.

Lore Edit

The Toilet-Shaped Moon Incident: Toki's birth was...unconventional. Her mother, a powerful but somewhat eccentric moon demon known for her chaotic energy, literally "birthed" Toki from a glowing, lunar toilet. This event resulted in a small, perpetually orbiting, toilet-shaped moon that is a constant source of embarrassment and amusement for Toki. It also made her something of a legend (for the wrong reasons) amongst celestial beings. Rejection from the Moon Demon Court: After being born, Toki was briefly presented to the Moon Demon Court. However, her mother's... unique birthing method and Toki's overall lack of demonic ambition led to her being ostracized. She felt like a misfit and never truly connected with her heritage of taking ghosts to the underworld, Instead Toki takes care of the ghosties on the moon forest where she keeps her and her ghosties from harm.

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