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Wolper is a female, English speaking vtuber who enjoys streaming creative/survival games and anything cozy and cute. She started streaming in April of 2022 but really started to hit her stride in September of that year. She also sings and does karaoke streams every once in a blue moon, sometimes even being accompanied by a ukulele. She is also known for having her two cats grace her streams by meowing in the background and sometimes jumping on her desk. Wolper created her own model and had it rigged by ichikamoon_vt

Lore Edit

Born of magic from a young witches hands, Wolper came into the world as a mix of a rabbit and a deer with a few other animal pieces thrown in. She was summoned as one of the witch's many strange familiars and helped her gather ingredients for potions and spells. The witch was young and erratic at times, creating spells for petty reasons and testing it on her creatures. One day when Wolper was cleaning the witch's potion shelves, she slipped and fell, causing a potion to be knocked of the shelf and land on her. When she opened her eyes she realized that she had been transformed into a mostly human appearance, only keeping her antlers, ears and tail. The witch was furious that her transformation potion was wasted and sent Wolper out to the world to make money to pay her back. Now Wolper streams, among other jobs, in hopes to pay back the witch and maybe even go back to her old form.

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