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  • Subs 1.1k
  • Views 9.9k



WellPlayedWalrus, or Walrus, is a variety steamer on Twitch. He is a Vtubing Walrus that let's his creativity get away from him and is always thinking up new projects to show his community.

He specializes in difficult games, horror games and games with the community, giving them each one slot a week. He classifies himself as a master of disaster as something always goes wrong, and also a jack of all trades.

Walrus wants to create a community where people showcase the projects they are working on.

Lore Edit

WellPlayedWalrus is a walrus that learnt the human language and wanted to live among the humans. He moved to Japan but realized that English and Japanese were very different. Knowing that humans aren't ready to accept a walrus, he wears a human suit in his real life, but sheds the skin when he is in the comfort of his home. He can be seen wearing his usual top hat and monocle as he plays games to the world.

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