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Menos Lunashi

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Every 0.81 Day(s)
  • Subs 372
  • Views 39.4k



Menos Lunashi is a wererabbit who lives in a madhouse; It is on what also happens to be Asylum Property for reasons currently unknown And that the staff refuse to tell him. Despite the very strange circumstances, he decides to have fun with this predicament by his own will and entertain an audience, much to the asylum staff's dismay and villainy.

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After some time of being committed for reasons unknown other than brainwash recovery, Menos came to in a strange mental asylum named Lunashi Sanitarium. Upon inspection, it has a moon cycle where it can turn blood red and in winter, it has a floating crystal. Even stranger, In this domain, he happens to be a Wererabbit that looks mostly female, but is confirmed to be a full-package futanari by the files he seized and himself (and doesn't care at all on what to refer as due to being both genders here). There is a red jewel he carries that is even said to contain his true, "grotesque" form. Due to an experiment by the staff, he is able to only switch between this and "the other domain" along with his family who were imprisoned with no known reason, currently, as much of the important parts of Menos' past have been scrubbed out against his wishes.

With the help of a few select chosen staff and himself, Menos managed to turn his holding site into a second home where he is able to play videogames, laugh at any insane happenings from either domain and anything else that comes to his doorstep. However, the investigation within the staff and Menos itself, is still ongoing as of here...

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