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Thya Luna

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Every 6.1 Day(s)
  • Subs 339
  • Views 1.6k



Thya Luna is a cosmic fox VStreamer that streams on Twitch. She speaks both English and Spanish, and loves to play a large variety of games. She tends to lean towards games that are more difficult or challenging herself in some of her favorite games. She likes trying her hardest to figure out hard boss mechanics or difficult puzzles.

Lore Edit

Thya Luna is a cosmic fox that fell from the vulpecula constellation a long time ago, she doesn't know why she feel or why she landed on earth in particular, but while she's here she plans on having the best time she can and playing as many video game as she can get her hands on.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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Sep 21, 2022
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