Guilded (Tags)



Guilded is a platform similar to Discord, but with more features. You can share emotes from any server for free without nitro. You can even have unlimited emotes & animated emotes without being subbed to the channel of said emotes. It offers a calendar, forum, & schedule system. Text chat is built into every voice chat, plus you can upload 500 MB files for free. There are no paywalls not to mention the notifications are much more pleasant tot he ears

Its also vastly easier to become partner on Guilded compared to Discord.

It also does not suffer from cloudflare issues like Discord when cloudflare goes down(which we all know is a lot.)

You can even subscribe to the server owner (Bronze) (Silver) (Gold) to support them and it takes less of a cut compared to patreon(2.5% vs 5%) You're literally saving money by using Guilded!

Join vTubie discord server and hang out with other VTuber buffs.