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Starry Bean The Galactic Neko

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Every 1.5 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 4
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  • Views 19.7k



Twitch/YouTube English content who enjoys ramen, friends, and her community. She self-designed her model and her outfits. Each outfit brings different personality and styles. Most outfits are redesigned in a way that works out for her aesthetics. Some outfits like celestial form are using parts from Booth and readjusted using pen tools (Credited on her channel).

She is a very chaotic yet sweet and lovable girl who wishes to have fun with the people around her. Starry tends to be quiet at first with new people, but she eventually opens up more after a while of socializing with the peers within her community. The community and friends are what brings her energy + optimism within her streams. However, her squeals... that is all towards her community themselves bringing those scares with soundalerts.

During off-stream, Starry is a busy neko with her family, community, friends, and personal affairs such as work/studying/chores. When she is busy, she does like to be quiet and observe things as the day goes. As a Libra, she does prefer her balanced life-style than feeling upset.

When she gets the chance, some of her hobbies are doing art and singing. You will see her sing on streams depending on the days. While doing art, she creates custom shrimp emotes as well in her shop. Her friends and some community members are the first ones to get the emotes. Be sure to check out the works!

One day, she would like to become a V-Idol pursuing her dreams of singing and causing even more chaos of fun to people around her. With her dreams in place, her goal is to inspire V-Tubers to be self-expressionists and have fun with the people around them.

Lore Edit

Among the stars that shine brightly, one star stands out -- the face of unfamiliarity. Born from a nebula light-years away, a blob forms into a cat girl. She looks around seeking for a place to call home. However, many planets were inhabitable until Earth corned out of her eyes. Following through the path, Starry arrives on land where she now calls her unknown place home. With a smile, she is ready to bring chaos, destruction, and fun times.

One day, as she is roaming around the streets, Starry hears a calling from the stars. They were seeking a protector and a ruler to ensure all of space & darkness are at peace. Knowing the world is at peace with the friends she has made along the way, she accepts the role of being the galaxy's protector. Thus, leading her to become the queen of space and darkness. While shining, she remains both back and forth between planet and space to make sure both worlds are safe yet chaotically fun.

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