Shezabubadino comes from a small town in Victoria, Australia. She is very dedicated to her content as a creator and enjoys art, music and game design.
She began her streaming career in August 2016 when she first discovered Twitch. She only streamed to gain access to an emblem in "Destiny" which you could only obtain by streaming 50 hours of Bungie's hit game. After she had achieved that goal, she had built a small audience and before she knew it streaming became a regular part of her week.
Since her transition to a Vtuber during the pandemic, Shez became known in 2022 for her YouTube play-through's of Destiny 2's weekly story, which was picked up by Bungie staff and showcased in upcoming expansion trailers. She has also expanded her reach into other professions such as music and art.
With over 50,000 followers combined on her socials, Shez uses her platform to help raise money for people in need, with over $10,000 raised for charities all over the world.
Shezabubadino consists of two entities - Iris and Genesis
Genesis is a cyborg hybrid that physically represents a human Utahraptor. She was created to be a part of project DINO, a squadron of pilots that operate mechs to defend the human race against outside forces. Her mech closely resembles her - as a gigantic raptor, and was given the name WREN. In her downtime she loves to draw and learn about the history of the human race. She has a gentle and wholesome temperament
Iris is a guardian from the Destiny universe. Resurrected on the moon, she was a quiet soul who loves to study the hive and their origin. She works under Eris Morn, and will often go to extreme lengths to protect her. She may be silent most of the time, but when enraged she can be a source of destruction.