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Every 2.13 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 825
  • Views 68.8k



SharkyHat has been making content for over a decade on Youtube and has recently turned to streaming on Twitch more frequently with a Vtuber persona.

He plays a variety of different game genres from both AAA and indie developers, but tends to lean towards survival horror or action games.

While he understands he may be considered dull due to his reserved personality, Sharky tends to be true to himself and streams with the energy of that friend playing games with you on the couch. He loves engaging in conversation with his viewers whenever they drop in.

He has two Youtube channels (his main gaming channel and his stream VOD channel) and streams on Twitch. His Twitter DMs are open to discuss collabs and stuff - should time allow him.

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A shark-tribe viking from the frozen north, sailing through the world in search of adventure and treasures!

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