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Every 0.53 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 262.5k
  • Views 58.6m



"Guys make the best girl" SeanVR is a Scottish VTuber Boomer who loves cringe humour and screaming at his friends and Chat as they bully him over anything from verbal slip ups to just existing while his 2 "friends" Lone and Ace tease him and tempt him to the ways of the Femboy Sean plays 90% of the time Vrchat but some times dabbles in variety games(Deep Rock Galatic and EDF as exapmles)

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Sean Is a 9000 year Old kitsune with the mind of a second rate side character hungry for anime girl thighs and toes, Current form they have chosen is to be a sexy anime girl in Vrchat with the voice of a Sexy Scottish man and travel around with their concubines Ace and Lone who are also Kitsunes just less desperate than Sean and spend most of their time teasing Sean even though he cant touch them.

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