Rila is a Twitch and VStream streamer, writer, and science educator. She goes by She/Her or Big Sis and is a transwoman who identifies as a polyamorous lesbian. Her streams are normally marked 18+ due to her excessive amounts of swearing, and while she is not a lewd streamer it does happen occasionally. She began streaming as a vtuber in order to have a place to be herself as her irl situation is not safe to publicly come out as LGBT. As such she wants to try and provide an inclusive space and an informative one. Science literacy is a very big cause to Rila and she will take any opportunity to teach what she knows, and if she doesn't know she will research it then and there on stream if need be. She is trying to get more comfortable with herself through streaming.
She streams a variety of games, but no jumpscare horror and she is not fond of competitive FPS but will play it with friends. She normally streams at least one writing stream per week. These writing streams will normally be novel writing and storyboarding, writing for her D&D campaign, or doing a writing commission if the requester allows.
She has a few different looks but her primary PNG was made by the wonderful Ruruu.Run (@RunRuruu on twitter)
Rila is a Shadar-kai who is trapped on this plane, but has engineered a way to generate the magic needed to fuel the plane shift magic to get home from interactions on the internet. Once enough has been gathered she will go back to the Shadowfell to take back what is rightfully hers.