Split personality duo. Halloween ghosts. Varying energy levels. They are retro game focused VTubers with preferences for 90s-2000s. Favorite genres being survival horror and hack n slash. Their favorite game is the remake of Resident Evil 1. Skill level at games is moderate (Factoring in memory issues and general clumsiness) They are very particular regarding what they like and don't like in games and like to lightly analyze.
Their favorite manga is Trigun while their favorite anime is Yugioh. Favorite movie is alien. Varying music tastes but big preference for Aggrotech and varying industrial.
PumpkinSynth (No space between the words) is the dominant personality between the two spirits. She is a chaotic but pure blissful reincarnation of sorts of Vanessa Hill (Human form). While her personality is drastically different, she is the true spirit of Vanessa. A spirits form is flexible and separate from the physical body. She is tall in height (Though shorter than Vanessa and Nunessa) with a medium sized bust and ok hips and a vibrant palette. Despite her youthful face she is of the appearance of a middle 20s y/o girl. Synth is an air headed and playful bully big sister type who retains her dry sense of humor from her human form. She is much more expressive and cheery comparatively than she ever was in life. Manic at times. While she seems empty headed, she is more calculating and wary than she lets on. Still. Bratty and impulsive, she often causes trouble in Halloween City (Their current home) She loves Halloween. She struggled to remember details of her human life. Synth is always accompanied by her signature knife. She is a skilled user of curse magic and flight
Pumpkin Nunessa (Space between the name) is the new form of the Eldritch entity that possessed Vanessa Hill. While Vans death did result in its death also, instead of being erased from the world it was reborn as a new creature. That being: Nunessa. A clone of Synth of sorts (The true inner form of Van) but with attributes of the creatures Eldritch form and mind. (75% Eldritch 25% Synth) Nunessa resembles Vanessas physical body more closely. Tall, small chest, decent hips. She resembles a mid 20s woman.
Nunessa is an egotistical, volatile, and chaotic creature who dons a nun outfit ironically for humor. Often with a sadistic smile on her face, she exists to torment others and is able to do so with ease thanks to her immense strength. However her biggest enemy is her own low intelligence. There is hidden Eldritch wisdom buried deep down but she rarely taps into it. She is a controllable evil if you have high charisma.
Her favorite weapon of choice are 3 long metal nails. Her magic style is summoning weapons. Nunessa has 2 Eldritch familiars: Vergil and Kai.
Synth and Nunessa have a weird dynamic of loving each other but are at odds with each other constantly. Nunessa is a bit more fond of Synth than the reverse