Pexy is a female Virtual YouTuber and Streamer from Australia who streams in English. She has a high-pitched voice. Pexy is an artist ,3D-modeler and Virtual Cosplayer. Her fanbase is officially called "TechTeam". She swears often, because, as she said, "Australian comes out".
Formerly an eccentric Heavy gun wielding inventor from Maple world before the event's of Nexonmageddon. Pexy escaped into a virtual data space of her own creation known as the PEXYVERSE, a digital space between the virtual and physical world able to connect to any dimension that Pexy exists in, as a last ditch effort of survival before her world was destroyed.
She now resides in a virtual simulation of her own creation known as the "Central Hub" where all her "other selves" can converge in one space without ripping the fabric of time and space. In her virtual simulation she has created a city known as "The Playground" where she lives her day to day causing destruction and mayhem as she pleases~ even going so far as becoming the most wanted felon in her own city. Technically speaking she could have any life she wanted in this virtual space... but what fun would that be?
Though... the process of directly porting herself did have some... crazed inducing side effects, but she's still sane... sort of....