obkatiekat (Kat) is a female Wereneko Virtual Streamer who makes content in English and is from Liverpool in the UK since 2019. She debuted her first model on August 8th 2021, then re-debuted with a fresh coat of paint with her current model on her 3 year anniversary on the 16th April 2022 from Mozaic Heaven (rigged by Linka, drawn by 7Blade), and got her 3D Version of this model by Rika of Artemiz on December 23rd later on that year.
Kat is very friendly & welcoming to all, is unapologetically loving, and brutally honest. Often known for her degen and excited “gremlin” behaviour which in turn means also her more gravelly voice.
Her community have many names, & are called the Goons, Kittens, Fellas, Boiis & more, and her channel was often referred to as “The Motherland” but has now leaned more towards the “Mosh Pit” or like her Discord “The Kitten Hole”.
She likes to support people and will often send her community to “Spread Love Like Cheeks” to other creators to put a smile on their face. Her birthday is 9th September. Her height is 159 cm (5’2.5″). Her zodiac sign is Virgo.
Kat will often do Just Chatting streams and will collab with her friends like the VShojo crew, as well as many others, as well as gaming doing a variety of categories like Horror, FPS, Story, Platformers, & more. She also makes, records, mixes and produces music, mainly metal, & plays guitars, drums, bass & vocals.
Girl cursed with something that turns her into a Wereneko upon full moon.
It happened more frequently including daytime and was out of control & caused issues growing up so acquired the Millenium Ring from the British museum to fight it, & it worked for a while until one day it just stopped working.
She then went to Froot & Zen for help & through the power of music, used the frequencies generated as well as their friendship’s energy to allow her to access the astral plane and talk to the Curse directly.
They settled their differences & agreed it’s better if they work together when inhabiting the same body, & reassure each other that they’ll always have eachother’s backs.