Megbert is an English virtual streamer who focuses on gaming and variety streams. She doesn't exactly have set games that she plays and is open to various genres although she plays Dota 2 frequently. Megbert's goal is to make everyone happy and become everyone's friend! Her birthday is May 9 (lost sock day). She is 149 cm or 4 ft 11. Her zodiac sign is a Taurus.
An imaginary friend monster (based on a real imaginary friend she had as a child). She is childish, naïve and easily excitable. As an imaginary friend who's grown up past her child she seeks friendship in a different form... Online! Megbert aims to be everyone's friend and make everyone happy! She consumes too many energy drinks so she can watch you sleep at night. Megbert has an E.T.I.S.(Electromagnetic Telecommunication Invasion Station) which she uses for stupid mind control purposes. Her broken horn happened from a freak accident of running into a door. Megbert never wears matching socks because she always loses at least one of each of them. She also works for the CIA.