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Matsu Quinox

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Every 2.36 Day(s)
  • Subs 234
  • Views 1.7k



Matsu is a Omniversial Librarian VTuber. He does a variety of different streams, most notably focusing on Reading Streams.

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Matsu Quinox was formally a member of the Guardians of Knowledge, a species that existed beyond the Omniverse and tasked with teaching the sentient species of every universe. However, Matsu turned his back on his work after becoming obsessed with books and while he was able to hide this fact for a while, eventually was caught by his superior, The Great Eye.

Sentenced for his dereliction of duty, Matsu was sentenced to exile to The Study, an infinity large library located in a pocket universe outside of time and space, as well as having much of his knowledge and power sealed away into a book. In The Study, he soon met Horace, a living scroll who has become his constant companion as well as the Book-Squids Ovid and Virgil.

Matsu now streams from The Study while he attempts to while away his sentence.

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