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Lunalai Moonglow

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Lunalai Moonglow is a EnVtuber who does art and animation, gaming, singing and sometimes just chills out watching food videos~! She is often lewd, attributing this to her rabbit-like nature. However, she can also be quite wholesome and bubbly. She loves to talk and play with her viewers and has a running Minecraft server for her community. Be warned if she is fond of you, and if you are also a streamer, you will be aggressively shouted out as you are now in her territory.

She isn't afraid to talk about real things happening in her life, and how she is dealing with them, or her goals for her Twitch. She also refuses to be afraid to talk about her numbers on Twitch, and how excited she is about them. It has been said that she can not lie, and prefers honesty over all. Luna is a very down to Earth streamer who only wants to make you smile!

It has been noted that when she is lonely and alone in her private voice chat, she will start to sing whatever tune comes to her.

On November 13th, 2021, Luna trapped herself into an Uncapped Subathon which ended after 151 days, the same number of Pokemon were in the first generation. Luna was unsatisfied that a massive internet outage ended her subathon, but due to internet troubles was unable to continue properly.

Lore Edit

Luna is a Moon Goddess in the form of a White Jade Rabbit who came to Earth to find out why they were losing their magic! So she said, anyway. We now understand it was a misplaced teleport that landed her on Earth. However, she did decide to stay.

Along the way she discovered it was due to humans not believing in Gods and Goddesses anymore. Unhappy with this result, but thinking nothing could be done, Luna made some friends and eventually started streaming on Twitch with them! When people commented, or followed, well any interaction really, she started to get some of her magic back! She wishes to return to her true form some day!

But that isn’t all! Luna revealed on December 21st, 2021, the Winter Solstice and longest night of the year (her debut), that she wasn’t ALWAYS a goddess. She ascended at a young age and grew into the goddess we know and love today. Some viewers theorize that Luna is not "The Moon Goddess humans have worshiped throughout time," as she has said, and that she is actually not much more than a few centuries old.

On April 1, 2022 Luna's sister Chi joined the stream for the Anniversary Festivities instead of Luna. While no one knows what Chi's motives were, it was clear they were checking in on their sister, wanted to be heir to the throne, and may have been up to no good before she found the livestream. She participated in playing Among Us for several hours before she left when Luna woke up. Luna suffered no injuries to anyone's knowledge.

Her godly domains have been revealed to be Moon, Ocean, Knowledge, Arcana, Battle and Death. Later on, the domain Fertility was also revealed. There are many sub-domains related to these such as Healing, Storm, and Soul. She seems to be frightened of her potential, and often downplays how powerful she may be. It is unknown to what lengths her abilities may stretch.

She is also known as Princess Luna, heir to the throne in the Luminan Kingdom. While she has many illegitimate siblings, both older and younger than her, she is peaceful and gets along with all of them. There does not appear to be much, if any infighting over the throne.

The Luminan Kingdom appears to be matriarchal, and is ruled by Luna’s mother Queen Selene.

Luna grew up in the Luminan Temples, and was trained traditionally as a priestess, until her ascension. She is a known scholar as well and holds many magical talents such as the ability to shape change and a specialization in healing. Healing is said to have its drawbacks, however she has not said what these are. She has the ability to slip between rays of moonbeams similar to shadow walking, and is said to have a wispy form that is similar to a will-o-wisp in the shape of a rabbit.

It has been said there are Shadow-based Moon Rabbits that live on the Dark Side of the Moon. Their Kingdom has not yet been spoken about on stream in detail, but Luna has heavily suggested her father is one of the royals from that side. This gives question to why Luna is brightly coloured, but it is theorized it may be due to her will-o-wisp nature.

There is clear tension between Luna and her mother Queen Selene. Her mother is said to be fairly strict, likely leading to Luna’s wide range of magical abilities and knowledge, but it is clear Luna does not always follow her mother’s direction and may have been rebellious and snuck away to fight in some battles during wartime in the kingdom.

It is unclear Luna’s family is aware of her exploration of Earth, or her streaming career. It has been stated that the Human species is considered “frightening” and “barbaric” due to their inability to get along on a world-wide scale to the Luminan people. Luna is wary of human-kind, but understands not all of humanity is frightening. She has a love of humanity, and wishes that her people could communicate with humans more often.

A little under a year after Luna began streaming on Twitch as LunalaiMoonglow on Earth a strange black feline located her and insisted that she was to come with them to the Citadel of Fannearath, and furthermore the Library of Aether. The Library of Aether is said to have all known knowledge, all written books, and detailed information about even the gods and workings of magic itself. This feline, referred to as Sphinx, is an I.M.S.S. or an Interdimensional Magitech Support Sphinx.

They informed Luna that they was there to help her return to her godly duties after her misplaced teleport and was surprised to find she was continuing her duties talking directly to humans on Earth via streaming. While this is a VAST breach of conduct code, as divine beings are not meant to be seen as everyday creatures, it seemed to be doing little to no damage as humans did not understand they were communicating with an actual goddess.

As of May of 2022, the Library's assistant has convinced her to move her operations to the Citadel of Fannearath so that they may continue their work there and ensure that she does not reveal herself to her audience as an actual goddess. Their support of her antics are confusing to many of the sphinx that inhabit the Citadel and Library however it is widely regarded that it has kept Luna out of other trouble.

On October 31st, 2022 Luna unveiled and debuted her shadow form. She stated she has a Moonlit form, and Shadow form due to her Father being from the Dark Side of the Moon, and her mother being from the Light Side of the Moon.

In February of 2023, Luna returned to her home on the Moon to fetch her familiar, Lune. This chatty cat keeps Luna in line and now lives with her. They peed on one of Luna's roomates, and earned their own emote due to this.

In March of 2023 Luna has started streaming on and has started lewd and NSFW activities similar to Projekt Melody. She enjoys bringing her Moondrops joy and euphoria and it has been revealed that she has hidden her godly domain of Fertility from them. While no one knows why she hid this domain, it is likely she was simply shy about it. It was also revealed that she is indeed of Eldritch classification of deity. Why she holds this classification is still a mystery and it may be due to how she ascended to godhood.

As of April of 2023, Luna has decided to move locations in the Citadel of Fannerath to somewhere slightly more northern to be closer to the Library of Aether. They stated their living situation was not ideal, and due to this, they decided to move North earlier than intended. Luna seems to be happy with the idea of moving and has stated that "One step at a time, every little star will shine bright."

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