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  • Watchlists 6
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  • Views 152k



Lumiichu, or Lumi for short, is a cat in a maid outfit who is a bit too shy to actually play the part of acting as a maid. She is an English streamer and Live2D Model creator who promotes a positive environment for her streams, and works to ensure that all who come by are comfortable and accepted, creating a sort of safe place within the community.

She streams every day at 2 PM EST, unless times shift to accommodate for collab partners availability. While she streams so often, some know her primarily for her art, and for 2D models she has made for VTubers, including her own.

While she does not emphasize it publicly, she is trans female, though some have a hard time telling from her voice alone. However, she uses the experience of vocal feminization in the streams through redeems in which she exercises her vocal range by speaking in a high or low pitch voice.

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Lumiichu was once a regular cat, but due to currently unknown circumstances, she now has a human form which stands at 2'4" tall.

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