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Laura Scully



Scully is a brazilian spinosaurus hybrid vtuber on twitch! She lives and works alone in a island southeast of Costa Rica, a very peaceful place when it's not being raided by mercs and the dinos are behaving well... yeah, she lives in a island full of dinosaurs! She's very polite and happy, but can be harsh sometimes, streaming Hunt: Showdown, retro games and some other chill games like Voices of the Void just to hang out and have some fun!

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Scully lives in a contemporary universe where events similar to those in the films Jurassic Park and Jurassic World were real, the dinosaurs were cloned and "went wrong". [SPOILER] Just like Maisie in the film Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Laura is a clone that worked and, deviating "a little" from the lore of the films, she was the only hybrid that worked.

After managing to revert and learn to channel both her human and primal forms, she surgically removed the "candle" that was in her back and caused major problems in her spine, a process that needs to be performed every time she transforms into a dinosaur, making this a last resort. Because of this, she has some protuberances on her back and has minor problems running, opting for weapons to resolve possible conflicts.

Laura is currently a chief scientist and paleontologist on one of the islands in the "Cinco Muertes" archipelago in southwestern Costa Rica ("where the movies were filmed") and, most of the time, dedicates her life to caring for the dinosaurs that have been rescued and need a sanctuary. She defends the place tooth and nail, both by preventing dinosaurs from escaping from the island and by fighting smugglers and other humans who try to invade the territory illegally to steal something or some specimen. Laura is extremely territorial and will spare no effort to eliminate threats efficiently and as quickly as possible. She believes, like Dr. Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park/World too), that the planet is no longer a place for dinosaurs and so, as the only remaining scientist from the old Ingen, she no longer conducts genetic research to clone new species or encourages reproduction on the island, she just waits for them all to die in a peaceful place, far from humans, so that nature can take its course. However, to deal with the loss of a beloved animal and her emotional support for years, she tirelessly, selfishly and hypocritically tries to find a way to clone her kitten using DNA from a Therezinosaurus and other animals, still unsuccessfully after years.

The few times Laura leaves the island are to retrieve a dinosaur that was left behind, illegally cloned or found somewhere on the planet. She likes to personally supervise these moments and ensure a smooth capture.

In general, she is a fun person who takes great care of her animals, as if she were their mother, and decided to look to the internet and streaming as an alternative to reconnect with the world. She knows that she cannot leave that place, that she cannot leave those who depend on her at risk, so she believes that streaming games and talking to other humans can be good strategies to feel included in today's society.

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