I'm a Vtuber stuck in Brazil, SOMEBODY HELP ME!!
Hidden pro-gamer, fan of japanese culture, and also someone who likes teaching others in various things like languages, financial education and an excellent meme-maker!
Pleased to talk in Portuguese but can also understand and interact in English and Japanese (somewhat). Has some niche likes like visual novels and innovative games.
Mainly streams on Twitch, but also uses Youtube for short clips and special streams.
A certain angel who got banned from heaven due to meme-posting and sour jokes. As the worst punishment ever, she got dragged down to Brazil, where life is at the highest difficulty.
As a brilliant idea to not starve from death, she started entering the vtuber rabbit-hole, pulling favours from "agiotas" (moneylenders) to buy what was needed, but now she needs to get away from them and earn enough money to pay rent!