Jack is a 21 year old englishmen who plays games and does interviews with other streamers. He is a funny, very sweary person who invites anyone to talk to him on stream chat or on discords. He always like to promote positive vibes and helping people get away from they bad days. He also likes to help support and promote fellow VTubers and friends. He likes anime, lot of music, K-pop to Heavy metal. Seriously his spotify is a mess.
Jack was born in england to his mother goddess Susan and a demi god called William. he didnt have powers until he was 14 where he could control electricity and a very odd gift of replying in gifs.......dont ask. This is how he became the gifgod. he also goes by british panda due to his kindest. his childhood was great when with his parents but outside of that he was very introverted and made no friends because no one liked him but now he can talk to multiple people and made friends with a lot of people now :) He nows rages at games on twitch