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Hezzy is a female Neko VTuber from the future. She does her content in the English language but she has the tendency to switch to German. She plays most of the time games and plays with the community. The games are Cyberpunk 2077, Overwatch 2 and many more.

Lore Edit

Born in 2052, Hezzy had a rough childhood. She grew up as a human street kid in Night City during a recession. She taught herself to fight and to be fast. As she became a teenager, she found her addicts she was browsing in a store. From this day forth, she was a Neko with lots of tricks and good with sword fighting. The years went by, and she was a well-trained Neko until 2077, when a glitch happened, and she was ported back into 2022. Now she doesn't have to fight and enjoys her life.

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