The Hanayori Girls' Dormitory (花寄女子寮 Hanayori Joshiryou) is an active group of Virtual YouTubers. It consists of four members, all of which debuting in 1st of August 2019. The group is often praised by its fandom for having very impressive face-capturing technology.
Date | VTuber | Video | |
Mar 10 | Kano | 黒猫のウィズコラボ1弾で遊ぶよ!/Let's play with the first collaboration with Kuroneko![#白猫プロジェクト] | |
Mar 11 | Kano | TourBox縛り! 40/TourBox restriction play 40[#ELDENRING][#TourBox] | |
11 hours | Kano | TourBox縛り! 42/TourBox restriction play 42[#ELDENRING][#TourBox] | |
11 hours | Kano | TourBox縛り! 41/TourBox restriction play 41[#ELDENRING][#TourBox] | |
Mar 10 | Kohigashi Hitona | 【#気まぐれプロポーズ┊︎#ガーティックフォン】仲良し(?)4人の画伯によるお絵描きパーティーゲームが始まる…【VTuber/多々星カイリ、星影ラピス、MUS1CA、小東ひとな】 |