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Danko Akiyama

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Every 19.14 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 306
  • Views 3.8k



Danko Akiyama (ダんこ アきやま) is a female French Vtuber. She mainly creates English content and is known for her Mysterious Storytelling.


She is a Fugitive Ex-Mercenary Bunny from another world. She hides from an evil organisation she was part of in the past with her friend "S.T.I.T.C.H.Y", a cyborg cat equipped with military weapons.


Active since 2021, she regularly posts clues about her lore on her Youtube channel where her main content is located, and X (formerly Twitter) sometimes in the form of "Virtual Letters" addressed directly to her audience. With predominantly horrific content, her channel now counts around a hundred subscribers.


Pretentious and humble at the same time, her behavior seems often contradictory and can lead one to think she is not always sincere.

Lacking self-confidence, she often tends to wait someone's opinion before acting which makes her easily dependent on others. However, she is ambitious and always aims to seemingly impossible projects, leading her ideas to quickly become obsessions needing to be satisfied.

Her past leads her to be very vigilant and discreet, which sometimes makes her paranoid and easily aggressive towards strangers. Deep inside, she hides a lot of secrets, scared of the repercussions their revelations might cause.


She has dark, purplish curly hair tied into a ponytail with a sunflower hair accessory on the side of her head. Located where her humanoid ears are is a black futuristic earphone generating blue light. A second pair of ears sits atop her head, resembling those of a bunny. Over her pink robotic eyes are a pair of round glasses, her face marked with red war paints on her cheeks and a bandage on her nose.

Her body is covered in stitches and scars, one of them cutting her body in two parts at the center of her abdomen. Her right wrist is also marked with a bar code and the inscription "W-1311". Her favorite outfit consists of a beige sweater with a black rabbit pattern, partially covered by a denim overalls and purple sneakers with a star pattern.

Lore Edit

Danko Akiyama is a Yunimaru (Humanoid Bunny Girl) from another world called "Chromata". Born in unknown circumstances ever for herself, she has once died at a time that no human will ever live to see. Hunted down by an organisation, she fled her birthplace using a dimensional travel device, discovering the human lands she always dreamed of. How to live by their side knowing when and how they'll disappear?

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