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Daiya Diamandis

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Every 3.32 Day(s)
  • Subs 5.7k
  • Views 1.2m



Daiya Diamandis is an English-speaking independent male VTuber known for his energetic and entertaining streams, primarily on Twitch. He describes himself as the "Diamond VTuber," and his content includes singing, gaming, and other variety types of content he likes to dabble from time to time (like Art and ASMR). His personality has been described as bubbly, energetic and, sometimes, bratty. He is a little brother experience. His content often includes karaoke sessions, referred to as "KARASOVL," where he sings with passion and humor (FULL OF SOVL), despite joking about not having the best singing voice. In addition to his live streams, Daiya is also active on YouTube (under the stage name PooruBoy), where he uploads song parodies​ (the Weird Al of vtubers).

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Daiya is an anthropomorphized diamond. He was a piece of coal who had been living under the shadows inside his lonely cold cave, watching other gems get out and succeed in the world, as he was left behind watching from afar, thinking that could never be him. Until one fateful day, he decided it was his time to finally shine and join the others, so he got himself out of the cave and started to explore the real (virtual) world, slowly sharpening his skills, and growing to finally become a brilliant diamond, as he currently is referred to as a "diamond in the rough".

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