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Central Intelligence Pigeon

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Every 5.53 Day(s)
  • Subs 168
  • Views 636



Central Intelligence Pigeon is a streamer duo made up of a Vtuber named Sonia and a PNGtuber named Mika. Roleplay pleases us but we like mixing it up with something a bit spooky. We're talking about games we swear.

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One day a very hungry pigeon ate what turned out to be a French Fry laced with CIA grade LSD. Now on the grandest trip known to pigeon-kind this pigeon is convinced that they are the human director of the CIA. With their mind piercing the veil of potentially every dimension at once they have discovered an Eldritch abomination living inside of an artist mannequin named Mika and gathered him as their co-director, and alongside of a group of pigeons as their "Agents" (chat) they run top secret missions all over the globe.

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