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Brandon The Chihuahua

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Every 2.82 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.7k
  • Views 2.1k



Brandon is a trans man who enjoys memes, anime, and games. He shares a brain cell with his boyfriend, DJKiske. He is normally spotted playing chill games such as Sims 4, House Flipper and other simulator games.

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Brandon is a therian, his past life was a dog, and was reincarnated as a human. Kind of like “isekai” but backwards. To cope with his memories of when he was a dog in another world, he took on the mannerisms of a dog, often barking, growling, and being excited when his favorite people talk to him. And much like a chihuahua, he hates people. But, after getting to know you, he will treat you like a friend.

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