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Aurora Valentina

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Every 24.95 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 205
  • Views 3.4k



Aurora Valentina is a demon VTuber from Puerto Rico. She primarily streams video games, but occasionally dabbles in media analysis, with future plans for music production as well. She is aromantic, bisexual, and disabled. Her favorite types of games are action-adventure games, TCGs, and horror RPGs, with Devil May Cry, Mad Father, and Yu-Gi-Oh ranking among some of her favorites. She runs a Darklord deck in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Lore Edit

A demon born in Puerto Rico about 422 years ago. A big fan of motorcycles and eurobeat. With her trusty bike Borealis, her close friend Briar Rose, and the power of eurobeat and friendship, Aurora won against a more powerful demon in a brutal all-or-nothing race, earning her the power of time travel. She now spends most of her time in the 1890s, 1990s, and early 21st century.

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