Artemis Midnight is a female English-Speaking VTuber who is currently focusing on her Twitch and TikTok Channels. She plays mostly RPGs, Rhythm Games, Indie Games, and Nintendo Games, and her current series on Twitch is her Miitopia 3DS Hand-Cam Series.
She also did a Pokemon/MoeMon (pronounced Mo-eh) Emerald Nuzlocke at one point, which she is currently taking a break from until she at least becomes a Twitch Affiliate.
A 32 Year-Old Sleep Deprived Artist with a TikTok and YouTube Addiction and a magic pen who lives a double life with her Original Characters in a cartoony parallel world called The Animated Zone.
Her OCs include Mad Molly, Raunchy Rebecca, her Borderlands Robot Girl OCs Roxanne and Rosie Love, Anna The Clockwork Doll, and Cottontail the Bunny-Boy and Mirabelle the Bunny-Girl (Maybe more in the future).