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SpaceCowBea is a female vtuber who makes content in spanish. She usually plays FPS games and retro games like Donkey Kong or Super Mario for SNES and also she plays Minecraft. Her height is 157 cm. Her birthday is 24 September.

Lore Edit

[EN] SpaceCowBea is a human who was born on Earth. She is a space traveler who likes to explore far planets and moons.

One day she found on Triton, one of the Neptune moons, a quantic crystal. After studied it she found out how to use its properties and she integrated it with the Cowhete (her space ship). This allows her to travel between different universes and explore beyond every human have never been before.

There is rare occasions that the quantic crystal returns imaginary numbers and the space-time of the Cowhete gets distorsioned. When this happen SpaceCowBea switch the place with her alternative version from another universe for a short period of time. After many studies there is no information about if this is dangerous or harmless yet.

SpaceCowBea is a happy and nice person that wants to keep the Cowhete crew save. On the other hand, SpaceCowBea alter is a calm and cold person with the Cowhete crew. Still both love to explore the space and entering into the unknown.

[ES] SpaceCowBea es una humana que nació en la Tierra. Es viajera espacial a la que le gusta explorar planetas y lunas lejanas.

Un día encontró en Triton, una de las lunas de Neptuno, un cristal cuantico. Tras estudiarlo aprendio como usar sus propiedades y lo integró con el cowhete, esto le permite viajar entre diferentes universos y explorar mas alla de lo que cualquier humano ha llegado jamas.

Hay raras ocasiones en las que el cristal cuantico devuelve un numero imaginario y el espacio-tiempo del cowhete se distorsiona. Cuando esto ocurre SpaceCowBea cambia de lugar con su version alternativa de otro universo durante un corto periodo de tiempo. Despues de muchos estudios aun no se ha determinado si es peligroso o inofensivo.

SpaceCowBea es una persona alegre y agradable que solo quiere mantener a salvo a la tripulacion del cowhete. Por otra parte SpaceCowBea alter parece ser una persona calmada pero algo distante con su tripulacion. Aun asi ambas aman explorar el espacio y adentrarse en lo desconocido.

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