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Yin Rikka

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Every 1.41 Day(s)
  • Subs 3.2k
  • Views 813



Yin Rikka is a female VTuber affiliated with Vi-HǪLL as part of the Vi-LLǪIN's generation alongside the Angel, Enigma, Informant, Moon, Shapeshifter and the Vampire.

She streams FFXIV and a variety of other games in RPG, Visual Novels, Otome Games and sometimes FPS genre. She's also an aspiring artist and mainly makes content in English and sometimes in Tagalog or Japanese.

Lore Edit

"Remember to live... our beloved, Yinri."

During the Qing Dynasty, the Yin Clan was a powerful family in the empire. Until a collapse known as "The Yin's Demise" obliterated both the clan and the empire. The only daughter of the family and sole survivor was Yinri. Rumor has it that she died with her kin, but no one knew of the sacrifice made by a celestial dragon that day.

Having nowhere to go for solitude, the celestial being brought her to a hidden domain, the Glacial Sanctuary, to recover with him. Centuries had passed, and it was time for her to go out on her own.

While walking around in the present, she was unanimously elected to be a leader by people who followed her. They then became her aides, and as a result, "The Yin Zaibatsu," a formidable conglomerate, was established. Presently, the zaibatsu continues to flourish in multiple fields under the regime of its one and only "Boss," Yin Rikka.

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