Yin is a female streamer who plays games when she rememebrs to. All who are fortunate to catch her live will receive her blessings!
Before Yin was a Death God, she was once a Goddess of Compassion who was revered by many.
However, she lost her status when she fell in love with a human and saved him from death. This angered the Gods. As punishment, they demoted her to a mere Death God in charge of guiding souls to their reincarnation.
Then, to punish Yin even further, her fellow Gods imprisoned the soul of the man preventing him from ever reincarnating. This ensured that Yin and her beloved would never encounter each other again.
Yin now ushers souls to their path towards reincarnation, but her compassion is not lost. She has made it her mission to collect lost souls meant for eternal damnation and help them rehabilitate in her garden so that they may be given a chance to reincarnate again.
She streams in hopes that more lost souls find her and help them be better people to help them in the afterlife.